Friday, November 13, 2009

Just Catchin' Up!

I always seem to get so far behind! I had this post all ready to go, and then realized I had posted it on the Jorgensen Biggest Loser blog! I had to delete it and start all over again!

OK, so here is a lot of randomness! This is Gabe with his friend Yosef (his dad is from Pakistan). These two would meet at the park every evening during the summer right up until school started. Yosef is a couple of years older than Gabe, but he loves it when Gabe shows up.

This was another of our trips to Moss Ledge. Madi looks great in this picture!
These are the friends from the ward that are from Taiwan. They had treated us to a true Taiwanese dinner one night, and we took them to Moss Ledge for a good old fashioned cook out. Shortly after this trip, Joy and Mac moved back to Taiwan.
Tired Gabe!
The tomatoes were quite prolific! Unfortunately, they all came on during a 3 week period of time -- AFTER school started. We spent more than one evening blanching and peeling tomatoes to put in bottles.

This is what happens when a cold bottle hits hot water -- oops! Luckily the bottom didn't come off until I got it to the sink. I was actually able to put the tomatoes into another jar and save them! Then the bottom dropped off.

This was 21 quarts in just a couple of days. We totalled 41 quarts of tomatoes. We could have had more, but at least another 10 quarts froze on the vines. We missed one night of covering them and lost everything else.
During UEA break, I took Gabe, Jonas and Gabe's friend Henri bowling. The boys had a great time. Jonas had the high score for the boys, but I beat his score -- by 1 point! How sad is that?!

And then there was Halloween. All year Gabe has wanted to be Darth Vader. But, John and I did not want to do another purchased costume. So, then Gabe wanted to be a Ninja Turtle. I think I could have pulled that one off, but time was not on my side. So, we borrowed the chaps and boots from Stacy (Jonas' costume last year) and helped Gabe become an extremely handsome cowboy! He was so excited! He spent all week between our Trunk-or-treat and Halloween wearing the boots and hat, and even the chaps when I would let him. He loved being that cowboy! And he was so cute! (But I might be a bit biased. . .)

The party food was great!

Here are the kitties. . .

the donuts. . .
and the apple-bobbing.

By the way -- Gabe won't be eating many apples for awhile. He got his first loose tooth today. We're all excited!
Well, how's that for random? The next big occasion is Thanksgiving. We're looking forward to seeing everyone there.


Les Fuller said...

thanks for all the great pics. the kids are cute, as usual, but i actually was thrilled to see your tomatoes. i wish i had a pantry full of them. were the tomatoes that froze red and ripe? if they were, i believe you could still peel them (quite easily without even blanching if they're frozen) and then bottle them. you probably knew this and were either sick of bottling tomatoes or they were green. that happens. well, we're looking forward to thanksgiving. tell everyone hello for us.

Alan and Shelley said...

Great catch up! I love Gabe, he is the cutest kid (cowboy). Too bad about the tomatoes freezing, but you know, you do what you can. I bottled salsa and then lost all the rest of my tomatoes after I had covered them and been diligent like you. One bad night is all it takes. See you at Thanksgiving.

sara said...

Cute photos. I did not do any canning this year so you are doing a lot better than myself. Hope all is going well. Looking forward to Thanksgiving. By the way I have your name for Christmas. Is there anything in particular you guys need?