Monday, April 4, 2011

The Family's Newest Cub Scout

Just a quick post to introduce to you the newest Cub Scout in the family. He is soooooo excited! and has already earned 2 belt loops. Mom is learning how to sew on patches.


Jennifer said...

What a handsome scout!

sara said...

Such cute pictures of our Gabers. Scouts will be so much fun for him. Now begins the days of Scout A Ramas and Courts of Honor.

Anne Adele said...

Lets not forget pine derbies and day camp in the summer.

Alan and Shelley said...

And monthly pack meetings and Blue and Gold banquets. Those were the days. Enjoy your cub, next thing you know he'll be far away serving a mission.

Rebecca, John & Gabe said...

NO!!!!! NOT YET!!!!! Let us get used to Cub Scouts first!