Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gabe's a Funny Boy

Gabe has said a couple of really funny things in the last couple of weeks. We all thought we should share.
Gabe's Primary teacher is one of a set of twins in our ward, both of which teach a primary class. A couple of weeks ago, the Primary President was trying to get the children to guess who's birthday it was. No one was getting it, until Gabe raised his hand and asked "Is it one of the twins?" Not both of them, just one of them.

The other one happened just tonight. Kelsie was coming to our house tonight to have a sleep-over with Madison. Gabe asked her is she had a costume for Halloween. She said, yes, she had her costume planned. Gabe then said, "I think you should be Bat Girl." We all chuckled, until Gabe then added: "Do you have a boyfriend, Kelsie?" "No. Unfortunately, not." "Oh. Because if you did, I would want him to be Robin." Bat Girl and Robin. Gabe could make a business of Costume Planning!

Everyone take care!


sara said...

Hilarious. What a little sweetheart. I can just picture him saying those cute things.

Anne Adele said...

What funny things he says. He is one of the cutest kids I've ever seen. I hope he is enjoying his school year.