Here is a picture of Gabe at his Pre-School Graduation! I look at this and see that he has really changed just in the last 6 months.
These pictures are from my cell phone. The temple shot is from the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building when we all went to The Roof for a fancy dinner before Arden flew back to WV.
Isn't this a great pictureo f the 3 of them?
This is a picture of Gabe at the Gateway on the day we went shopping for Arden's Birthday. It was so hot that day, we simply took off Gabe's shirt and let him run through the water in his shorts. Of course, he then complained about having wet pants all the way back to the car.
Remember the pumpkin vines that took over the south side of this house? Here is the result of those vines: Gabe wants to make "angry" jack-o-lanterns.
Here's another picture of everyones' favorite cat. One of us lets him in, someone puts him out, and then someone else lets him in again! He knows how to slip in before you even know he's there. Between us and the nurses that come for Mom, Lalo's got us all figured out.
Here's Gabe playing on the new equipment at the park. Along with all the different looks of Gabe.
Ok, so we finally got the countertops installed yesterday!!!! Here's a few pictures of the new kitchen and bathroom: The countertop looks like cake frosting with sprinkles on it! It is beautiful. Just a few miner details, like plumbing, and we are back in business!!!!