Sunday, July 26, 2009

24th of July Activities

We were able to get our new spot for the parade. We didn't get there until 7:30, but we were still able to just set up without any problem. Most of the people around us were older couples, and all the families were in front of us. What was ironic was that one couple and one large family in our vacinity were all from our stake! These flags were from the pre-parade show.
Sara, Whitney and Banner got there just as the parade was about to start. We enjoyed having them with us.

This was one of our favorites -- the mule would pull back while the figure would pull forward. It was quite humorous. Gabe took these next few pictures. He didn't do too bad.
Banner was really tired. It shows.

This was a float of Utah originals. This girl is supposed to be the "Original Fry Sauce."
After the parade was over (which Gabe felt was a little too long), we made plans to go up to our favorite picnic spot. Madi got off work earlier in the afternoon, so she was able to join us. We were lucky to get a table! The place was full, and when we left, there was a very large group that wanted our spot.

John, Banner and Gabe went climbing up the mountain for a ways. This is there descent.

One of the rocks coming down is the perfect slippery slide. This is Gabe and Banner sliding on the rock.

The picnic--It was a great day. After the picnic, we went home to rest for a bit, put John to bed and then the rest of us went to the fireworks. It was a great end to a great day.

Just to end on today -- I finally got all the curtains for the house done. The blue ones are in Gabe's room, and the blue in the fabric just matches the blue on the walls. I got that fabric at Ikea.

These are the sheers for the living room. The hardest part of these was getting them evenly cut!
Well, until next time. . . .


sara said...

It was a great day. The curtains look great by the way.

Anne Adele said...

I'm glad that you had such a great day. I don't know if you realize it or not but, we don't do anything to celebrate the 24th of July here in Illinois. It is just another day. I sure miss it.