Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Birthday Party for Gabriel!

Hey, Everyone! March 4th is Gabe's birthday! I cannot believe he is 6 years old! I keep telling him he's still supposed to fit in my arms, not hang out all over the place. Anyway, we're going to have a birthday party for him at Stacy and Josh's this Saturday around 5:30 or so. John and I haven't totally decided what we're going to do, yet, but just come and we'll have everything all taken care of. We really appreciate Stacy and Josh letting us use their house. We look forward to a day when we might have a house that could fit everyone eventually. Anyway, we hope everyone can come. We always look forward to celebrating with family!


Stacy said...

Sounds like fun! We will be there, let me know if you need me to do anything! Jonas can't wait, neither can Maren.

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday sweet Gabriel or should I say "Dog".

sara said...

looking forward to the party hope he had a good birthday